Teeth whitening can make a difference in Idaho Falls

Teeth whitening Idaho FallsTeeth whitening can help you get your celebrity smile in an instant, especially when you go to Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls, where Dr. Tom Anderson, your trusted cosmetic dentist utilizes the most highly effective teeth whiteners in the business.  In fact, you may have even heard about Dr. Anderson and Premier Dental Care from someone in your family, or one of your friends, who had a great deal of success with the teeth whitening system they used.

Get your white teeth noticed in Idaho Falls

When you tell your cosmetic dentist, whiten my teeth, it can be one of the most powerful tool to get your smile noticed, perhaps even more powerful than a brand new haircut.  Think about the immediate effects that a bright and shining smile can have on the first impressions you make socially and in business. Think about the boost in self-confidence that you will receive every time you see how beautiful your smile is and hear remarks from people about your bright smile!

Do you hide your stained teeth when you smile? Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, offers professional teeth whitening treatment guaranteed to boost your smile and help you leave a god impression with remarkably white teeth. Get in touch with your trusted dentist today, so you will never feel the need to hide your smile.

Advantage s of professional teeth whitening in Idaho Falls

Teeth whitening in Idaho FallsCosmetic dentists use higher concentrations of peroxide gels with customized trays for a quicker, more effective teeth whitening procedure.  In just one office visit for professional teeth whitening, your teeth can become several shades whiter.  Visiting the dentist for your teeth whitening treatment is also safer than at-home methods.

Teeth whitening options

There are teeth whiteners for home use and those used for professional whitening.  The main difference between home-use and professional teeth whitening systems is the concentration levels of peroxide solution used in the various teeth whiteners.  Your cosmetic dentist has access to the most modern and better methods available to whiten your teeth, and uses higher concentrations of bleaching materials. Over-the-counter toothpastes are available which contain a peroxide to lighten teeth one shade, but more effective ways to whiten your smile include whitening strips and gels. Strips and gels do work, but are both time consuming and less effective than professional whitening systems.

Your Premier Dental Care Idaho Falls dentist will be happy to discuss which of the several teeth whitening options is most suitable for you.  For the safest and most effective teeth whitening treatment that guarantees more confident smile, get in touch with your trusted cosmetic dentist today.

The 4 main purposes of cosmetic dentistry in Idaho Falls

Cosmetic dentistry in Idaho FallsBasically, cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures and treatments intended to improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile, instead of dealing with dental hygiene and diseases. There are several options your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can perform to achieve the purposes of cosmetic dentistry and allow you to enjoy its benefits.

  1. Teeth whitening. If you have trouble smiling because of your badly-stained or discolored teeth, cosmetic dentistry can do much to solve your problem with teeth whitening treatment.
  2. Fixing chipped, deformed, or gaps in your teeth. It is hard to smile when you have misshapen or gapped teeth. Cosmetic dentistry has much to offer when it comes to fixing teeth imperfections. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will let you choose from the different options for correcting the problem, including porcelain veneers.
  3. Straightening crooked teeth. If you have an under-bite, cross-bite, or any of the problems resulting from crooked teeth, cosmetic dentistry is right for you. Invisible adult braces are designed to straighten your teeth for an even-looking smile.
  4. For replacement of dentures or missing teeth. If you have a tooth or some teeth missing, or dentures that have become loose they interfere with your chewing, dental implants are a great substitute. Teeth implants will provide you with permanent and natural-looking teeth and a bright smile.

Cosmetic dentistry has all these to offer in Idaho Falls. If you want to know more about cosmetic dentistry and the suitable dental procedure for your teeth, consult Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, and learn how to boost your confidence and enhance your smile.

Which teeth whitening option in Idaho Falls is right for you?

You may have used over-the-counter teeth whitening products that were messy and uncomfortable, and found out they didn’t produce satisfactory results and are not worth the hassle. If you are a patient of Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls, Dr. Tom Anderson offers teeth whitening that is sure to amaze his dental patients.

Professional teeth whitening in Idaho FallsYou can do teeth whitening at home with over-the-counter products, but you should be prepared to admit that the results may not be as satisfying as you have hoped for. In fact, in all likelihood, they will be disappointing. Over-the counter teeth whitening gels are usually what you find with some name-brand teeth whitening products, and it does make teeth a bit whiter than doing nothing. The products are messy, and don’t allow the whitening gel to reach into the nooks and crannies of your teeth. Most over-the-counter methods are not capable of a uniform, natural look that cosmetic dentists are able to achieve with superior products and specific training. Moreover, the results are not nearly as long lasting as what patients receive when choosing teeth whitening methods from cosmetic dentists.

Choose Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, for a professional teeth whitening treatment that will exceed your expectations. Dr. Tom Anderson will make sure you will achieve the desired level of bright, white teeth that you have always wanted.

Do you need a teeth whitening treatment in Idaho Falls?

Your teeth will eventually develop stains and discoloration. Years of eating and drinking liquids with natural and artificial dyes, combined with the wearing out of the teeth’s enamel due to age, results in a darker color of your teeth. When the stains become more visible, you will find it harder and harder to show your smile, which will soon affect your confidence. At this point, you will need a teeth whitening treatment done by a trusted Idaho Falls dentist.

Teeth whitening in Idaho FallsBasically, a teeth whitener is a bleaching agent or chemical used to remove the stains and discolorations on your teeth. Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist uses bleach trays, which keep the teeth soaked in a bleaching solution for a particular period. This is the procedure that is commonly used by many dentists and is popular with clients because of superb and quick results.

Teeth whitening in Idaho Falls uses a form of peroxide as the active ingredient to remove stains and to whiten your teeth. Those products that you can purchase in most stores contain the lowest levels of the chemical, while those used by dentists have higher concentrations and are more effective and longer-lasting.

If you are interested in having a younger-looking smile with whiter teeth, inquire at Premier Dental Care, your trusted dentist in Idaho Falls to get the answers. For a free consultation, come see us and we will help you find a solution at getting back your healthy, natural white teeth.