Do you need a teeth whitening treatment in Idaho Falls?

Your teeth will eventually develop stains and discoloration. Years of eating and drinking liquids with natural and artificial dyes, combined with the wearing out of the teeth’s enamel due to age, results in a darker color of your teeth. When the stains become more visible, you will find it harder and harder to show your smile, which will soon affect your confidence. At this point, you will need a teeth whitening treatment done by a trusted Idaho Falls dentist.

Teeth whitening in Idaho FallsBasically, a teeth whitener is a bleaching agent or chemical used to remove the stains and discolorations on your teeth. Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist uses bleach trays, which keep the teeth soaked in a bleaching solution for a particular period. This is the procedure that is commonly used by many dentists and is popular with clients because of superb and quick results.

Teeth whitening in Idaho Falls uses a form of peroxide as the active ingredient to remove stains and to whiten your teeth. Those products that you can purchase in most stores contain the lowest levels of the chemical, while those used by dentists have higher concentrations and are more effective and longer-lasting.

If you are interested in having a younger-looking smile with whiter teeth, inquire at Premier Dental Care, your trusted dentist in Idaho Falls to get the answers. For a free consultation, come see us and we will help you find a solution at getting back your healthy, natural white teeth.

Invisible dental braces with Invisalign in Idaho Falls

Invisalign dental braces in Idaho FallsIf permanent bonding of tooth-colored metal in your mouth does not suit you, you may prefer another option for clear braces by choosing Invisalign.  This alternative to metal in general takes more than 6 months and requires a little more dedication on your part.

How it works

Dr. Tom Anderson and his crew at Premier Dental Care will photograph your teeth; take x-rays and a mouth impression for you.  From Anderson’s office in Idaho Falls to the Invisalign lab, you will receive a treatment plan from Invisalign designed especially for you.  Invisalign will provide the plastic aligners, and get you started right away, and if you have any questions you can always call your Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls for help.  Each aligner set is worn for about two weeks and you can dispose the old and put on the new.  Another added bonus to using Invisalign dental braces is that food and drinks will not hold you back, simply remove your aligner before eating or brushing your teeth.

Straighter teeth, beautiful smile

It’s never too late to straighten your teeth. No matter what age you are, you deserve a beautiful smile. Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, specializes in Invisalign dental braces so you can enjoy gorgeous teeth with amazing new techniques and products like Invisalign. Talk to your trusted Idaho Falls dentist today.

How reliable are dentist reviews in Idaho Falls?

Dentist reviews for Idaho Falls dentistsThere are many dentists practicing all forms of dentistry. When searching for the best dentist in Idaho Falls for you and your family, dental reviews can tell you a lot about a particular dentist, and indicate how well you may fit as patient and dental care provider. Patients’ comments may vary, and although you may sometimes find negative comments about a dentist, it is good to evaluate these against other comments to get a reasonable idea about the dentist concerned.

The internet is extremely useful when you are looking for dental reviews. If you go to Google Local, Yahoo Local or Dex Knows, you are certain to find positive reviews from Premier Dental Care patients who were so satisfied with this reliable dental practice they felt compelled to tell others about their experiences. Dentists are important health care partners, and dentist reviews for the best Idaho Falls dentist will help lead you down the right one.

Dentists provide dental health care on a long-term basis, so it is important to find the best dental fit for you and your family. When you need to find a dependable Idaho Falls dentist, online dental reviews can give you a good idea about the practice and the staff, as well as the patients’ overall experience. Before looking at dentist reviews, ask yourself some hard questions to discover what qualities in a cosmetic dentist are most important to you.

For a long-term, beneficial relationship with the right dentist for you and your family, check out dental reviews for Premier Dental Care, trusted Idaho Falls dentist, today.

Options to straighten crooked teeth in Idaho Falls

Invisible dental braces in Idaho FallsCrooked teeth can make people feel less confident when smiling. Not only that, crooked teeth can be the source of dental and physical health issues for people with this dental issue. Your trusted cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls offers effective ways to straighten your teeth and give you the smile makeover to give you more reasons to smile often.

  1. Fixed braces. The most conventional way for fixing crooked teeth is metal braces, which involves connective wires. This is the most visible type and takes nine months to more than a year to complete. Your teeth needs to be always clean in order prevent tooth decay that usually starts where brackets are attached. Your cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls can teach you the proper ways of cleaning your teeth.
  2. Six Month Smiles. Six Month Smiles teeth straightening system is a type of cosmetic dental treatment consisting of wires and brackets with the same color as your teeth. Nickel wires are used to adjust the teeth that show when you smile, making them properly positioned and even. Visibly straighter teeth can be achieved in about six months.
  3. Invisalign. Invisalign is another cosmetic dental option to fix crooked teeth. A series of removable clear braces help to align your teeth and which are progressively adjusted as your teeth shift into the right place. Instead of using wires or metal, this treatment uses custom-made plastic aligners for two weeks at a time, which slowly move the teeth into position. An well-aligned teeth can be completed in about 3 to 18 months.

Your cosmetic dentist can use these solutions to straighten your crooked teeth and make you smile confidently anytime, anywhere. Talk to your friendly Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist today and learn about how straighter teeth can transform your smile.

How sedation dentistry can take away dental fears in Idaho Falls

Sedation dentistry in Idaho FallsContrary to popular belief, you do not actually fall asleep when taking a sedative from your sedation dentist.  The reason why sedation dentistry is often referred to as sleep dentistry or twilight dentistry is because your body enters a deep and relaxed state, but not a state of sleep. You will be numb to pain but still conscious and aware of your surroundings.

There are two types of sedation, oral sedation and intravenous (IV) sedation.  With oral sedatives, you just take a pill in your mouth and wait for the effects to get going.  Oral sedatives are not as reliable as IV sedation because the effect may vary from patient to patient.  With IV sedation, you are monitored the entire time, and given doses that are right for you.  You will not feel pain because you can ask your sedation dentist for a numbing cream before giving you sedation.  You will be conscious enough to respond to questions your Idaho Falls sedation dentist may ask, but you will not remember much of your experience.  Sedation dentistry is the answer to your dental anxieties without the pain.

Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, offers sedation dentistry to help those with dental anxiety overcome their fear of dentists and dental procedures. See your local sedation dentist and enjoy a comfortable, worry-free experience.

Procedures for getting porcelain veneers in Idaho Falls

Porcelain veneers in Idaho FallsThe procedures for porcelain veneers are relatively easy and simple.  This smile makeover treatment is minimally noninvasive and painless as it makes use of local anesthetic.  In just two or three appointments to your dentist, you will get to enjoy a flawless, confident smile.

  1.  In the first visit to Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls, Dr. Tom Anderson makes a thorough examination of your teeth and makes a diagnosis.  X-rays may also be taken at this point.  This is when you discuss with your dentist what you want to achieve from the treatment as well as your expectations.
  2. Next, Dr. Anderson prepares your teeth for the dental veneers.  About half a millimeter of your tooth enamel will be removed.  A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area so you don’t have to worry about pain.  Once done, he then makes a model or an impression of your teeth, after which he sends the impression to the dental laboratory where a specialist will make your custom-fit porcelain veneers.  Because it will take some time before your teeth veneers are ready, the dentist will provide you with a temporary one to place over your teeth.  This will give you an instant beautiful smile.
  3. In your next visit, your brand new teeth veneers will be waiting for you. Before permanently attaching the dental veneers, they will be checked against your other teeth to see if they fit and are properly aligned with the rest.  The dental veneers are then attached to the teeth using a bonding material, which, when applied with a special white light, hardens quickly.  You now have porcelain veneers permanently bonded to your teeth.

If you are considering having porcelain veneers for a smile makeover and would like to know more, get in touch with your Premier Dental Care dentist in Idaho Falls for an appointment.

Fixing crooked teeth with adult braces in Idaho Falls

Straighter teeth in Idaho Falls with adult braces at Premier Dental CareIf you have longed to fix your uneven teeth but find metal braces too awkward, your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist has just the answer.  With clear braces as well as invisible braces to choose from, straighter teeth and a beautiful smile is soon to be yours.

Invisalign clear braces

Invisalign is an excellent choice for adult braces.  The Invisalign system is a series of clear plastic braces that have been custom-made for your teeth using 3D imaging technology.  After every two weeks or depending upon the severity of your teeth misalignment, you will need to go back to your cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls to have the next of the Invisalign series of aligner trays fitted to your teeth.  With Invisalign, you can enjoy eating the foods you normally enjoy as you can simply remove them when eating.  In addition, brushing and flossing is easy with Invisalign.

Six Month Smiles braces

If you want quicker results for straighter teeth, ask your cosmetic dentist in Idaho Falls about the Six Month Smiles, which is another type of adult braces.  It is also called invisible braces simply because it makes use of tooth-colored wires and brackets that make them nearly invisible.  As the name implies, you are bound to see good results in about six months, which is the biggest advantage of Six Month Smiles.  Six Month Smiles braces push your teeth into the desired position using gentle force.

The best type of adult braces for you

Your Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will be able to help you choose the most suitable option for you.  Make an appointment today to straighten your teeth with adult braces in Idaho Falls.

Know what your trusted family dentist in Idaho Falls has to offer

Family dentistry offered at Premier Dental Care in Idaho FallsFamily dentistry involves preventive dental care services including routine cleaning, regular check-ups, gum disease evaluations, periodontal therapy, and other basic dental procedures that your family may need. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis leads to healthy teeth and gums. Your family dentist can spot dental problems such as cavities before they become worse and would need the skills of a dental specialist like an orthodontist.

Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist can see to it that your family gets the best dental care – from the first toddler checkup and regular teeth cleanings, to corrective procedures, dentures or dental implants. Here’s more of what your family dentist at Premier Dental Care can offer:

  • A wide range of services in order to meet the needs of of your family.  Cosmetic dentistry helps patients feel good about the way they look and is vital to the quality of life they enjoy. Adult braces, teeth whitening, dental veneers, teeth bonding, dental crowns and teeth colored fillings, plus dental implants and dentures, all are available at Premier Dental Care.
  • Dr. Tom Anderson of Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls, also handles dental emergencies for situations that cannot wait and need to be cared for at once. Seeing a dentist you are comfortable with in a dental emergency can helps relieve stress.
  • Your Idaho Falls family dentist also administers light oral sedation or general oral sedation. Sedation dentistry is for those undergoing long procedures that cause discomfort simply because of the length of time required to sit still with an open mouth.
  • Your Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls dentist can help with sleep apnea and help you stop your snoring problems.

Your family dentist in Idaho Falls is trained to help keep your teeth and gums healthy, and makes sure you get the best of dental care for your entire family. Call for an appointment each time your family needs the services of a family dentist you can count on.