Dental implants from your dental implant dentist in Idaho Falls

Dental implant dentists Idaho FallsFor many years, dentures have been a good replacement for missing teeth, but people wearing them know all the discomfort that go along with having dentures. Some patients simply cannot stand having the denture on the top of their mouth because of the way it affects their teeth and distracts them during the day.  Other patients feel uncomfortable and insecure wearing dentures, worried that others will notice them. Some patients go years afraid to smile but they are afraid to deal with embarrassing dentures.

Implant dentistry has the answer to the problems associated with wearing dentures in the form of dental implants. Your trusted dental implant dentist in Idaho Falls, Dr. Tom Anderson, specializes in dental implants that can improve the quality of life of people who want a better alternative to dentures. Here’s how:

  • As a modern alternative to dentures, dental implants can restore your ability to enjoy food that you once loved, like biting into an apple or enjoy a thick and juicy steak.
  • Dental implants eliminate the problem of messy adhesives and the frustration of unstable teeth.
  • Although dentures cost less than dental implants and can be a good option for some patients in the short term, dental implants don’t need special maintenance or replacement.
  • A dental implant dentist can give you teeth that look natural, ones that feel and function like your own original teeth.
  • If you want an anxiety-free procedure, Dr. Anderson, who is also a sedation dentist, offers several solutions to cope with pain and anxiety with sedation dentistry.

With implant dentistry, the natural looking smile that you have been missing can be yours again. Get in touch with Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, for a solution to your missing teeth without having to wear dentures.

A permanent denture alternative from a dental implant dentist in Idaho Falls

Dental implant dentists Idaho FallsDental implants are a permanent denture alternative. To know if implant dentistry is right for you, you need to consult your dental implant dentist who will determine if you can have the teeth implants, and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Dental implants are used with the most modern techniques in denture alternatives, and actually become part of your natural teeth once your jawbone starts growing and healing around your dental implants.
  • The strong, titanium posts that are actually the dental implant, are solid and permanent, giving you teeth that function and feel like your original teeth.
  • When the porcelain tooth replacement is put over top of the dental implant, it is there to stay, leaving you with a natural-looking smile you can be proud of.
  • Dental implants are natural looking, natural feeling alternatives to bridges and crowns, and last for decades.
  • Whether you are replacing one tooth or need a whole new set of teeth, you can be sure that your dental implants will leave you feeling confident with your smile.

If you have been wondering what to do about your missing teeth and how to have your smile back, call Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, and make an appointment to determine if dental implants are right for you.

Getting your dental implants from your Idaho Falls implant dentist

Dentures in Idaho FallsDental implants are a modern advancement in cosmetic dentistry that provides a practical solution to fixing missing teeth. After the dental implants are attached to the jaw through minor surgery, the jaw and gums begin to heal and grow around the implants, making them permanent. After a thorough evaluation, your implant dentist will determine if dental implants are right for you. Getting teeth that look, feel, and function like your original teeth is now possible with implant dentistry.

Since these implants require minor surgery, you will need to talk to your implant dentist to see how the procedure will work for you. Dr. Tom Anderson at Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls is also a sedation dentist, and combines his specialties to ensure your utmost comfort during the procedure. Your trusted implant dentist can take care of your missing teeth quickly and efficiently, and most patients who receive sedation dentistry to replace dentures with dental implants do not have to experience pain or anxiety.

While dentures cost less than dental implants, the less messy, more comfortable option of dental implants to replace missing teeth is a practical alternative for people who want to continue with their active, vibrant lifestyles.  Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, will help you live a better life with dental implants and a beautiful, natural smile!

Idaho Falls dental implant dentist offers anxiety-free implant dentistry

Dental implant dentists in Idaho FallsPremier Dental Care, Idaho Falls dental implant dentist, can improve the quality of dental patients’ lives by replacing their missing teeth and restoring their smile. As denture alternatives, dental implants provide them with the ability to enjoy foods that they could not have confidently enjoyed with dentures.

Having dental implants can be made comfortable

Your trusted dental implant dentist at Premier Dental Care can make you feel at ease, even with having dental implants, a procedure that requires minor surgery by putting even the most nervous patients at ease. Your Idaho Falls dentist is also a practitioner of sedation dentistry to help you into a state of relaxation that wipes away any residual fears of the cosmetic dentist that you may have. Sedation dentistry at Premier Dental Care involves taking a couple of small pills, which will help you manage your anxiety and fear of pain. In fact, many patients become so relaxed and stress-free that they fall into a sleep-like state remembering very little, if anything at all, of their dental implant procedure.

If you need new dentures or want more information about denture alternatives and dental implants, getting in touch with Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls dentist, is the right move to make.

The 4 main purposes of cosmetic dentistry in Idaho Falls

Cosmetic dentistry in Idaho FallsBasically, cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures and treatments intended to improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile, instead of dealing with dental hygiene and diseases. There are several options your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can perform to achieve the purposes of cosmetic dentistry and allow you to enjoy its benefits.

  1. Teeth whitening. If you have trouble smiling because of your badly-stained or discolored teeth, cosmetic dentistry can do much to solve your problem with teeth whitening treatment.
  2. Fixing chipped, deformed, or gaps in your teeth. It is hard to smile when you have misshapen or gapped teeth. Cosmetic dentistry has much to offer when it comes to fixing teeth imperfections. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will let you choose from the different options for correcting the problem, including porcelain veneers.
  3. Straightening crooked teeth. If you have an under-bite, cross-bite, or any of the problems resulting from crooked teeth, cosmetic dentistry is right for you. Invisible adult braces are designed to straighten your teeth for an even-looking smile.
  4. For replacement of dentures or missing teeth. If you have a tooth or some teeth missing, or dentures that have become loose they interfere with your chewing, dental implants are a great substitute. Teeth implants will provide you with permanent and natural-looking teeth and a bright smile.

Cosmetic dentistry has all these to offer in Idaho Falls. If you want to know more about cosmetic dentistry and the suitable dental procedure for your teeth, consult Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, and learn how to boost your confidence and enhance your smile.

How teeth implants are better than dentures for Idaho Falls dental patients

Teeth implants in Idaho FallsDental implants are the modern alternative to dentures. This is true not only for people who have one or two missing teeth, but also for people who have used dentures for years and simply need new ones.  The following are the reasons for you to go for teeth implants instead of traditional dentures:

  • Unlike dentures that can be removed, the replacement teeth used in implant dentistry are permanently anchored to the jawbone, just like your own teeth.
  • Teeth implants function and look like natural teeth.
  • Dental implants feel just like your real teeth, so they do not affect your speech as dentures do.
  • Because your implants are permanent and not removable, you will no longer need to worry about your dentures slipping or falling off your mouth while you are talking or chewing.
  • Implant dentistry uses techniques that will produce better-looking teeth than your original ones.

If you need to learn more about teeth implants and how they are a better alternative to dentures, Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, will be happy to discuss and provide you with all the information you need. Get in touch with your implant dentist, Dr. Tom Anderson,  today and be assured of a better quality of life with dental implants.

Dental implant dentists and sedation dentistry offer hope to many in Idaho Falls

Dental implants in Idaho FallsDental implant dentists receive special training in implant dentistry techniques. Combined with cosmetic dentistry techniques, patients who want denture alternatives know dental implants will look and feel natural like their real teeth. But what about those who have a hard time overcoming their fear of dental procedures? Or those who need extensive treatment and are required to undergo long procedures and multiple visits? Dental implant dentists who are also sedation dentists are the answer.

Sedation dentistry in Idaho Falls means patients receive oral or I.V. sedation to help the patient relax and remain calm and comfortable during procedures for dental implants. Implant dentistry can be a lengthy procedure, but your trusted dentist at Premier Dental Care can ease the process so you have very little memory of receiving dental implants, and a beautiful new smile when it is completed. Don’t let the thought of pain and discomfort keep you from choosing dental implants when you need new dentures; find dental implant dentists like Dr. Anderson who specialize in sedation dentistry.

Dental implant dentists change lives every day by offering a better option than dentures. Implant dentistry replaces the mess and discomfort of dentures with denture alternatives that are permanent and don’t slip out of your mouth when talking or eating. If you need new dentures and want to consider dental implants, talk to Dr. Tom Anderson at Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, about implant dentistry.

Choosing between dentures and dental implants in Idaho Falls

Denture options in Idaho FallsUntil a few years back, dentures were the only option for patients who want to replace their lost teeth. Having missing teeth is not only cosmetically bad, but can also endanger your health. Statistics show that people missing a few or all teeth had a shorter life expectancy than those with more complete teeth. There are two options for people who want to replace their missing teeth:


Most people are familiar with old-fashioned full dentures, usually used by the more matured ones. In most cases, people lose all their teeth due to the natural process of ageing. With dentures, the material looks just like natural enamel, the outside layer of teeth. Many people, however, find dentures to be cumbersome and they require care and maintenance. Patients also need time to stop feeling awkward and get used to the dentures.

Dental implants

A dental implant is a small device inserted directly into the jawbone. Once it is implanted, the soft bone heals, fusing together with biocompatible titanium implant. This gives an implant dentist a strong substitute for a real tooth root. Dental implants can be used as the foundation for further dental work. Your implant dentist in Idaho Falls uses implants for a dental bridge, single crown, or even artificial teeth. In this case, the teeth are firmly anchored to the natural jaw line. This gives a more natural feel and look, especially if your dentist is experienced in cosmetic dentistry.  

Any reputable dentist should offer you the choice of both dentures and dental implants, if required. Your trusted Premier Dental Care dentist in Idaho Falls can help you choose which option is the best for you, so make an appointment today.

Dental implants in Idaho Falls offer freedom from dentures

Dental implants as denture alternatives at Premier Dental CareTraditional dentures can cause discomfort and inconvenience because it involves sticky adhesives, clicking, slipping, and sometimes even your food tastes a little funny with the dentures in your mouth.  This is not to mention the fact that if you continue to wear dentures, your jaw starts shrinking and your face gets a collapsed look, as the distance between your nose and chin get smaller. Your facial structure can change so much that your dentures don’t fit, and it’s difficult to fit you with new dentures. Your Idaho Falls dentist offers dental implants so you can say goodbye to these problems.

How dental implants are better than dentures

Dental implants are used with titanium metal, fused to your jawbone, just like a real tooth.  The process is a root-form implant, since the implant is placed within the bone. The bone of the jaw accepts the titanium implant and fuses together.  Teeth implants looks like a real tooth, acts like a real tooth, and feels like a real tooth in your mouth. It’s a wonderful solution your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist has to offer to replace missing teeth or dentures and give you a natural-looking smile.

What dental implants can do for you:

  • Replace one or more teeth, and give you the same feeling and function as real teeth
  • Teeth replacements do not affect the bordering healthy teeth
  • Support  bridges by anchoring them to the jaw

Sedation dentistry is the answer to your dental fears with dental implants

If you worry about the pain or discomfort of replacing missing teeth with dental implants, worry no more.  Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist is also a sedation dentist, who can provide choices of sedation to keep you comfortable, relaxed and calm during the entire procedure.

Contact your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist at Premier Dental Care for more information about dental implants, and find out if you are a good candidate for the treatment. With dental implants and sedation dentistry, Dr. Tom Anderson can help you with your problems with dentures and take away your fears with implant procedures. Call and make that appointment today.