Smile makeover with porcelain veneers in Idaho Falls

Porcelain veneers smile makeover Idaho FallsPorcelain veneers, also called teeth veneers and dental veneers, are tooth-colored shells bonded to your teeth. As a cosmetic dentistry procedure, porcelain veneers will enhance and restore your smile using the latest advancements in smile reconstruction. Teeth veneers are stronger and last longer than other types of veneers. These shells are used to restore your teeth for number of reasons. If you have chipped, cracked, weak, discolored teeth or you have gaps between your teeth, dental veneers are a great way to solve these imperfections and give you a beautiful smile makeover.

Why porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers tend to last longer than other veneers and are stain resistant. The porcelain resembles more of a natural looking tooth and even has a lustrous coating that will put a sparkle in your smile as it reflects light. The layers of porcelain are protective and can prevent weaker teeth from cracking or chipping in the future. If your teeth are slightly misaligned, then porcelain veneers can provide instant alignment and give you a perfect smile every time.

If you are ready for a smile makeover and get natural-looking teeth that you will want to show off to the world, having dental veneers from your trusted cosmetic dentist is the answer! Dr. Tom Anderson of Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, will be happy to see you and give you that smile you have always longed for if you make an appointment today.

Family dentists in Idaho Falls have your family’s dental needs covered

Family dentists in Idaho FallsFamily dentists provide preventive dental care services including routine cleaning, regular check-ups, gum disease evaluations, periodontal therapy, and other basic dental procedures that your family may need. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis leads to healthy teeth and gums. Family dentists can spot dental problems such as cavities before they become worse and would need the skills of a dental specialist like an orthodontist.

Your trusted Idaho Falls dentist can see to it that your family gets the best dental care – from the first toddler checkup and regular teeth cleanings, to corrective procedures, dentures or dental implants.

Family dentists also offer various services that can benefit the entire family. Cosmetic dentistry helps patients feel good about the way they look and is vital to the quality of life they enjoy. Adult braces, teeth whitening, dental veneers, teeth bonding, dental crowns and teeth colored fillings, plus dental implants and dentures, all are available at Premier Dental Care.

Whatever dental concerns your family may have, your trusted Idaho Falls family dentist can take care of procedures from routine teeth cleaning to major dental work like braces and dental implants. Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, offers a variety of services to meet the needs of everyone in your household.

Are porcelain veneers right for me in Idaho Falls?

Porcelain veneers in Idaho FallsAfter a thorough consultation and examination with your cosmetic dentist, you will learn whether porcelain veneers are right for you. Once you decide to proceed, your trusted cosmetic dentist will discuss what to expect throughout the procedure. Many dental patients are nervous about dental work no matter how gentle the cosmetic dentist, and benefit from the soothing nature of sedation dentistry.

At Premier Dental Care, your trusted cosmetic dentist is also an experienced sedation dentist, ensuring that you are able to get the best of both worlds. Idaho Falls residents can benefit from having a highly educated and trained sedation dentist available to completely restore smiles while they relax in comfort!

If you are worried about the process of getting porcelain veneers, know that it is not a painful procedure. If you are still concerned about the procedure, though, you might be interested in sedation dentistry, where patients are closely monitored during the procedure in which the patient is administered IV or oral sedation medication. Many patients report being so relaxed while receiving sedation dentistry that they fall asleep during the procedure!

Dr. Tom Anderson at Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, is an experienced sedation dentist, and who is ready to do all that he can to keep you comfortable during your appointment.

The 4 main purposes of cosmetic dentistry in Idaho Falls

Cosmetic dentistry in Idaho FallsBasically, cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures and treatments intended to improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile, instead of dealing with dental hygiene and diseases. There are several options your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist can perform to achieve the purposes of cosmetic dentistry and allow you to enjoy its benefits.

  1. Teeth whitening. If you have trouble smiling because of your badly-stained or discolored teeth, cosmetic dentistry can do much to solve your problem with teeth whitening treatment.
  2. Fixing chipped, deformed, or gaps in your teeth. It is hard to smile when you have misshapen or gapped teeth. Cosmetic dentistry has much to offer when it comes to fixing teeth imperfections. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will let you choose from the different options for correcting the problem, including porcelain veneers.
  3. Straightening crooked teeth. If you have an under-bite, cross-bite, or any of the problems resulting from crooked teeth, cosmetic dentistry is right for you. Invisible adult braces are designed to straighten your teeth for an even-looking smile.
  4. For replacement of dentures or missing teeth. If you have a tooth or some teeth missing, or dentures that have become loose they interfere with your chewing, dental implants are a great substitute. Teeth implants will provide you with permanent and natural-looking teeth and a bright smile.

Cosmetic dentistry has all these to offer in Idaho Falls. If you want to know more about cosmetic dentistry and the suitable dental procedure for your teeth, consult Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, and learn how to boost your confidence and enhance your smile.

Make those teeth imperfections disappear with porcelain veneers from your Idaho Falls dentist

 Teeth veneers in Idaho FallsThere was a time when the only way to cover up teeth imperfections was with a dental crown. While it is true that dental crowns are sometimes the only good option for patients when it comes to correcting dental imperfections, porcelain veneers are usually the better cosmetic choice. Teeth imperfections may include stains and discoloration, uneven size and shape, misalignment, cracks or chips, and gaps in between. Veneers can close spaces, lengthen the teeth, cover the crooked areas, and provide a uniform color, shape, and symmetry that is natural looking and long lasting.

Can I get the best-quality veneers in Idaho Falls?

Dental patients who visit Premier Dental Care for their dental veneers are assured they are getting the best veneers available. Some teeth veneers are better than others but your trusted cosmetic dentist uses the best labs and best materials available in Idaho Falls in providing your porcelain veneers. The cost of porcelain veneers is more than composite or resin veneers, but the quality is almost priceless. Porcelain veneers are natural looking, and have the same quality as natural teeth, especially when it comes to reflecting light. Furthermore, porcelain veneers are much stronger compared to resin veneers.

Having porcelain veneers is like getting a dramatic smile makeover without having to wait for months or even years to see the results. Dr. Tom Anderson of Premier Dental Care, your Idaho Falls dentist, can give you a whole new smile that covers imperfections and gaps, or even severe discolorations with the best-quality porcelain veneers. See your trusted cosmetic dentist today and ask about dental veneers that will make your teeth imperfections disappear.

How dental veneers can give you a smile makeover in Idaho Falls

Dental veneers in Idaho FallsEveryone deserves to show a beautiful smile. Cosmetic dentists today use teeth veneers as an excellent option for smile makeovers and resolve various teeth issues that require restorative procedures without the need for invasive techniques. Veneers are thin laminates attached to the front surface of the teeth to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, and as the solution to the following teeth problems:

  • Severely discolored or badly stained teeth. Dental veneers are used to cover the stain or discoloration on your teeth to give you a whiter, healthier smile.
  • Chipped or broken teeth. Teeth that have been damaged by chewing on hard objects or those that have suffered from teeth trauma can be fixed using porcelain veneers created to match the color of your natural teeth.
  • Gaps or spaces between the teeth. Teeth veneers can be used to fill the gaps or spaces between your teeth to produce a perfectly even set of teeth when you smile.
  • Slightly misaligned teeth.  Slight misalignments in your teeth can be fixed using dental veneers without resorting to braces or surgical procedures.

For a smile makeover that is easy, quick, and with amazing results, teeth veneers is the way to go. Visit Premier Dental Care, Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist, and find out for yourself the wonders that teeth veneers can give you.

Procedures for getting porcelain veneers in Idaho Falls

Porcelain veneers in Idaho FallsThe procedures for porcelain veneers are relatively easy and simple.  This smile makeover treatment is minimally noninvasive and painless as it makes use of local anesthetic.  In just two or three appointments to your dentist, you will get to enjoy a flawless, confident smile.

  1.  In the first visit to Premier Dental Care in Idaho Falls, Dr. Tom Anderson makes a thorough examination of your teeth and makes a diagnosis.  X-rays may also be taken at this point.  This is when you discuss with your dentist what you want to achieve from the treatment as well as your expectations.
  2. Next, Dr. Anderson prepares your teeth for the dental veneers.  About half a millimeter of your tooth enamel will be removed.  A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area so you don’t have to worry about pain.  Once done, he then makes a model or an impression of your teeth, after which he sends the impression to the dental laboratory where a specialist will make your custom-fit porcelain veneers.  Because it will take some time before your teeth veneers are ready, the dentist will provide you with a temporary one to place over your teeth.  This will give you an instant beautiful smile.
  3. In your next visit, your brand new teeth veneers will be waiting for you. Before permanently attaching the dental veneers, they will be checked against your other teeth to see if they fit and are properly aligned with the rest.  The dental veneers are then attached to the teeth using a bonding material, which, when applied with a special white light, hardens quickly.  You now have porcelain veneers permanently bonded to your teeth.

If you are considering having porcelain veneers for a smile makeover and would like to know more, get in touch with your Premier Dental Care dentist in Idaho Falls for an appointment.